Tuesday 11 February 2014

Image banks - Life stories idea

 This photo shows the start of a story as it is showing a pregnant lady and obviously when the child is born their life story will begin. I like the photo because it is very natural and relaxed.
 This photo tells a story of the start of the child's life as it shows all different photos of the  child and the parents. It also tells the story of the parents as in the last photo they are kissing suggesting that they have just started there life together and their story is about to begin.
 I like this photo because the colours are very bright and positive. The story is being told that it is one of the child's birthday and obviously in any life story there are birthdays. I also like that the photo shows both the children and the party food as this makes for an interesting photograph.
This photo tells a story because it is a series of photos most likely showing the girls day and a representation of there friendship. I would like to use this idea in my own work of using a series of photos to show an event. I like the layout of the photos because they are all different so makes the photo more fun rather than just being strait and boring.

I like this photograph because it is supposedly showing the most important day of these peoples life's and you know from the photo that these people would obviously have a story together. I like that the photo is in black and white as it makes the photo seem simpler and more natural as to the unposed, natural looking expressions on the models faces.

I like this photo because once again it uses a series of pictures in order to show an action. The photos are simple but once put together create an interesting image, especially as the photos seem to join well to each other with the girls arms connecting them making them fit together like a puzzle.

Image bank - Comic strip idea

The above photo has been taken simply of a girl smiling and then edited with the comic style dots and speech bubbles. The speech bubbles allow a simple photograph to tell a story. I would like to use this idea in my photography as I think is a very effective way of story telling through a photo.

The photo is recreated to the right of it with a cartoon version of it. I like the photo more than the comic version although I would add speech bubbles to the actual photograph to add a story like in the photo above. It is clear from the photo that it is comic style due to the patterned background, facial expression and quirky appearance.
This photo has once again been edited to have a comic style to it. The bright background and obvious action in the photo allows the audience to guess that she is getting ready to go out therefore telling a story. I like this photo because of the detail of the hair and the striped shirt.
I really like the above photo because it is clearly comic style without the need for editing so focuses more on the photography side rather than the editing. I like how the model is wearing an outfit that should blend in with the background but she clearly stands out, I also like the clearly exaggerated phone cable that adds to the photo.

This photo shows the personality of the character through a series of facial expressions. I like this photo because all of the faces she pulls are completely different but it is clear that they are all her. I also like the comic style striped clothing she wore against the plain background.

I like this photograph because the facial expression on the models face is strong and along with the edit creates a very effective comic style photograph. I like the simplicity of the photo because the audience can make up there own story from the photo. I would like this photo more if it was placed with a series of other photos with different facial expressions to allow.

Image bank - Myth idea

I like this photo because the lighting creates a dark feeling for the photo. Because the lighting is dark it is not entirely clear what the photo is showing and creates a sort of mystery, allowing the audience to come up with their own interpretation. As the character is lying in the woods this creates questions for the audience as to why he is there, where and who is he.
This photograph is telling the story of the myth of Robin Hood. I like this photograph because instead of using a man as Robin they have used a woman and as the story is a myth there is no actual proof that he was man or woman or even existed. I also like that as well as telling part of the story the photo maintains very attractive and uses a natural background.

As this photo is black and white and doesn't really show any modern objects other than the train tracks it suggests that the photo is supposed to come across as old. As this photo lacks much explanation this allows the audience to come up with there own story from what they can see. This is generally how myths are spread and changed by people telling them in there way and then getting past on and changed further.

I like this photograph because the models facial expression and body angle is natural and relaxed but the background and dress are very complicated contrasting with the model. Also the object such as the books are common conventions in stories and myths allowing the audience of the photo to create a story from it.

This photo tells the story of the myth of Medusa as the model is dressed like her and placed in a dark eerie looking location due to the myth being of these characteristics. I like the photo because as well as the detailed background and costume the pose of the model adds to the interpretations that can be taken from the photo.

I like this photograph because it is very simple yet very interesting as the bed is placed in the sky. It would appear that this is telling the story of heaven because of the clouds. I also like this photograph because of the fact you cant see the face of the model so it allows the audience to connect to the photo more due to the lack of detail.

Image bank - Fairytale idea

This photo uses the sun in order to create a magical looking photograph. The model is wearing a flowing white dress which is typically found in a fairytale. The model looks quite natural and is in a natural location which also adds to the fairytale feel of the photo.

This photograph also has a model in a natural setting in a dress. Because this dress is quite formal it contrasts with the natural background once again creating a photo with a fairytale theme to it.

The photo below is supposed to show the story of Alice in Wonderland shown in the giant model in the small room with things floating around her. I like this photo because it is obvious that it was intended to look like Alice in Wonderland.
Once again this photo uses the contrast between the dress and the location. The model is wearing a wedding style dress and is in a grave yard but her facial expression suggests that this is not a positive photo and the fact it is a grave yard also confirms this. I like this photo because most fairytales are not happy the whole way through and this photo shows this side of them.
This photo is supposed to show the story of the wizard of Oz. I like this photo because there is quite a lot being told in the photo although it doesn't actually contain much. The background is dark the characters are light suggesting that they don't fit into the background therefore allowing a story to be told.
I like this Photograph because the outfit worn by the model looks quite natural and she is on a natural background because what she is wearing looks natural and doesn't cover up much of her skin she comes across as quite naive and helpless but also has the slight appearance of a fairytale.

Final choice - Story Telling