Tuesday 11 February 2014

Image bank - Fairytale idea

This photo uses the sun in order to create a magical looking photograph. The model is wearing a flowing white dress which is typically found in a fairytale. The model looks quite natural and is in a natural location which also adds to the fairytale feel of the photo.

This photograph also has a model in a natural setting in a dress. Because this dress is quite formal it contrasts with the natural background once again creating a photo with a fairytale theme to it.

The photo below is supposed to show the story of Alice in Wonderland shown in the giant model in the small room with things floating around her. I like this photo because it is obvious that it was intended to look like Alice in Wonderland.
Once again this photo uses the contrast between the dress and the location. The model is wearing a wedding style dress and is in a grave yard but her facial expression suggests that this is not a positive photo and the fact it is a grave yard also confirms this. I like this photo because most fairytales are not happy the whole way through and this photo shows this side of them.
This photo is supposed to show the story of the wizard of Oz. I like this photo because there is quite a lot being told in the photo although it doesn't actually contain much. The background is dark the characters are light suggesting that they don't fit into the background therefore allowing a story to be told.
I like this Photograph because the outfit worn by the model looks quite natural and she is on a natural background because what she is wearing looks natural and doesn't cover up much of her skin she comes across as quite naive and helpless but also has the slight appearance of a fairytale.

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