Friday 2 May 2014

Work record - shoot ten - Little red riding hood

In this shoot I was trying to recreate the fairytale little red riding hood by using the traditional location and costume. I also tried to represent good and bad in this shoot by showing good in light clothing smiling and positive and bad in black with frowns and scowls. I don't feel that this shoot went as well as it could have partly due to the dull weather. If I were to do it again I would do it on a brighter day as this helps produce better photos. I would also slightly alter the location as I feel this location seems to public and obvious.
In this photo I made it all black and white except for the red hood as this is the most important convention of the story and makes the setting seem my serious and scarier. I have placed her off centre as I wanted to suggest that she was surrounded by the woods. Also I new that this would not take te attention off of her as it is the only colour in the photo. To improve this I would make sure Amelia's legs were coloured in as well as the bright red makes her seem almost ghost like which was not something that I intended to acheive.

In this photograph I was trying to portray good and evil. Charlotte is dressed in black and has been edited to be black and white as this makes this half of the photo seem negative. Her facial expression is also shows how she is representing bad as she isfrowning. In contrast Amelia is dressed in white with normal colour photo and is smiling. To improve this photograph I would make sure the line of colour and black and white is straight and I would also try and make the dresses worn by them the same so that the comparison is simply on the colour and facial expression.

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