Friday 28 March 2014

Work record - shoot six- Shoes

For this shoot I wanted to show the different generations through something that goes with you through life. I think this shoot went well although I would try and give the shoes more of a connection than just colour such as shape and design as some of the shoes were heels which made it harder when editing. 

I like this photo because as the size shoe moves on the photo's becomes in focus showing how there is an advancement as you get older and by this point you are stereotypically at your wisest. However to improve this photo I would cut round the shoes more precisely as some of the dark background can still be seen.

This photo shows each pair of shoes clearly but also shoes the generations as they go on. I love the fact that all of the shoes are the same colour and the first and last pair seem to end up a similar shape due to the need of comfort and stability. Each pair represents a stage of life. The first one is baby or very young toddler. The next shoes represent toddlers up to childhood. The next are late childhood to early teenage years. 

Work record - shoot five - Chalk board

In this shoot I was trying to use facial expressions to tell a story and using the black board to actually name the feeling that I was trying to create for each Photograph. I think that this shoot went well because the photos turned out as i wanted them to and the strong facial expressions were backed up by what was written on the board.
I think that this photo worked really well because the expression on Taylor's face is dull and emotionless and the word on the board is hate which is a negative word. I also like that I have used a dark background and edited the photo to be black and white making Taylor and the black board the most important thing in the photo. To improve this photo I would try and write the word so that it is a bit more bold as the whole of each letter is not totally clear.
I think this photograph works well because each photo has a slightly different emotion to the next. The emotions on the unimportant words are quite neutral and the emotion words have the facial expression to illustrate them. I really like how the last photo is larger than the rest and you can tell from Taylor's eyes that she is smiling without seeing the rest of her face. When I edited them I made the writing more prominent however I think that this is to obvious that this has been edited and contrasts slightly with the dark simplistic background.

Exam Plan

Thursday 6 March 2014


Story telling

Stories can be told in many ways in photography and through different forms of photography.
The first way I have found stories are told through photography is in a series of photographs physically capturing the change and development of a scene. They are laid out in chronological order so the order the story in is obvious to the audience.

In this photo you can see the action of the man as it progresses at the photo goes on. The photos are laid out in a simple easy to understand was so that the content of the story is not complicated with fancy layouts. I would like to use this style of story telling in my work by photographing things that are likely to develop and progress so that I can tell a story of that object.

Another way I found photos tell stories is through setting up a powerful scene with a character using strong body language and facial expression in order to tell a story through one single photo. In this photo the room is quite dark and dingy, the door is open yet the character in the photo seems as if they are trapped or unhappy in the location. There are many interpretations that the audience can take from this photo due to lack of explanation.

Setting up a scene from an already well-known fairy tales and Myths is another way I have found stories are told though photography. I have also found that the important conventions in fairy tale/ myth photos are the costumes, location and props that define each fairy tale/Myth from one and other as you can be seen very vibrant coloured costumes and ribbons against a darkish forest background is used in the photos above.

The last way I have found stories told in photography is with the comic strip style and layout. They use the bright colours, editing and speech bubbles in order to physically illustrate and tell a story. The conventions I have found with this idea are bright colours, over reaction facial expressions and body language, chronological order to the photos and speech bubble.

In my work I would like to try each of these ideas in order to complete story telling. To complete this I will try and take the conventions from each method of photographic story telling and use them to create my photographs.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Work Record - Shoot four - Comic facial expressions

In this shoot I wanted to get as many different facial expressions as possible in order to tell a story with them. I used Shannon in this shoot because of her blue hair which I contrasted against a red background as I found bright colours seemed to be a convention of comics. I think the shoot went well because of the bright colours and no shadows as the lighting was set up well for my comic photos.

I like this photo because Shannon's blue hair contrasts really well with the red background which was my intention. Also her obvious, exaggerated facial expression makes the comic theme of the photo obvious and her facial expression could tell many different stories. To improve it I would like to edit it with speech and thought bubbles to actually create a story from the photographs.

I don't really like this photo because the affect I was trying to achieve didn't really work. I like the fact that Shannon's face is silhouette like but this was not actually what I was trying to achieve when I was editing the photograph. What I was trying to achieve was a Roy Lichtenstein style photo which I will try and achieve using a different technique.

Monday 3 March 2014

Image Bank - Story Board idea

This photo shows the action of the little girl dancing in a series of photos as she moves. The photo has a natural background and shows that the photos are natural and not set up. The lighting and outfit of the little girl make the photo board have a magical theme also added with the statement at the bottom,
This photograph is telling the story of this girls lack of self confidence and other peoples opinions of her through two photographs. The photo is in black and white to emphasize how this girls opinion of herself is quite low and dull but the second photo, despite the dark background seems to have a light shining on the boards coming from somewhere possible representing hope.
This photo tells a story through the development of the action. From the photo we can see that the child is happy, energetic and playful. This then allows the audience to tell the story of her life and different interpretations can be taken from this.

This photo tells the story of the family's day out in the woods as it shows all of the different activities that they got up to. This seems like a happy family with a child so the audience can also interpret the story of there life to be happy and positive just from this story board. Unlike the others these photos don't seem to be in order so seem to be more like a collage showing the day rather than a story board.

This story tells an old fashioned story shown by the costume and advancement of the situation. The props and location changes throughout the photos yet there is no text allowing the audience to make there own story from the photos with out text telling it exactly for them.

Finally this photograph once again tells the story of the couples day out and relationship through a collage of photos showing the different actions they got up to through out the day. Generally the photo is very positive shown in the bright colours and actions.

Work Record - Shoot Three - Fairytale in the woods

In this shoot I was trying to give a fairy tale theme to the photos by using a natural background and natural head dress for my model. When I researched fairy tale photography the background seemed to play an important role in the shoot as this decides the feeling of the photo. In order to improve this shoot I would try and use more obvious conventions of fairy tales such as props like apples, crowns and other costume items. I would also use more than one character possibly a character representing good and one representing bad to tell more of a story although I do like the fact that the audience can create their own story from the photos due to the lack of obvious interpretations. I also like the natural lighting in these photos.
I like this photo because I was trying to achieve a fairy tale type feeling with the photo and the natural stream helps to do this. I also like the costume with the flower head dress because it continues the natural theme the photo has. Finally the facial expression looks a little worried creating questions for the audience to think about such as why she has a worried look on her face. Also the scene not to controlled so it is easy to get different interpretations from the photo.

I think this was one of the photo's that could be improved as it is not quite zoomed in enough so doesn't show all of the detail of Amelia that I would like it to. I do like how the photo is set up however, with Amelia being directly in the middle with the woods surrounding her suggesting that she is free with the world around her.

Work Record - Shoot Two - Teenage life story

In this shoot I wanted to tell the story of the 'misunderstood' life of a teenager. I used a red background with the Sophie and Taylor acting as if they are at a party with the relevant props. With these photos I was showing the preconception that teenagers spend there time partying and drinking and enjoying themselves. I specifically used a red background because of the connotations of the colour red such as negative, devilish and danger representing these traits in the photo. I used a blue background for the photos where Sophie is studying and surrounded with work which is how a teenager feels like there life is. I think this photo shoot went well because I think both sides of the teenage life were obvious in all of the photos.

I like this photo because the aim was to show what the teenage life is expected to be like, shown in the top photos with it being a party, enjoying time and having fun. The larger picture shows how teenage life actually feels. The photo can also show the amount of time it feels like is spent on each thing from the perspective of the teenager. Also Sophie is looking up towards the party photos suggesting that this is how she would rather be spending her time.
I like this photo but I think it could be improved if Sophie's face could be seen so more of the story could be told as a lot can be told from a  persons facial expression. I also would rather if the papers were not cut of as well as the top of Sophie's head as it looks as if this has been accidentally.

Work Record - Shoot One - Alice in Wonderland

In this shoot I tried recreate a scene from the story Alice in Wonderland. I only have one model but I tried to show the personalities of two characters, the mad hatter and Alice. I did this in order to tell more of the story rather than just limit it to one character. I chose to have a dark background and low, dark lighting to contrast with the story as there are many different interpretations of the original story which I wanted to portray in the photo shoot. I think this shoot went well because the photos were quite enigmatic and interesting. To improve this shoot I would make the photos lighter because some of them were to dark. I would also like to redo the shoot but with a white or light coloured background to contrast with the dark ones to further explore the interpretations of the story. I also would like to try a checked background as this is common of the story.

I like this photograph because the bright colours of the table, Sophie's clothes and the doll contrast against the dark background making them stand out and seem brighter than they actually are. I also like it because Sophie's facial expression doesn't have either a happy or sad expression so is somewhere in the middle allowing the audience to interpret there own stories from the photo.

I think this photo could be improved due to its lack of detail and meaning. As the photo shows only half of the table and part of the doll is covered up the photo doesn't really have much of a story to tell. I also feel that the doll doesn't really go with the Alice in wonderland theme I was trying to achieve with this photo. I do like the way that the background is perfectly smooth and you cant tell where the floor and the wall meet.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Definition - Story telling

Dictionary definition
Storytelling is the conveying of events in words, and images, often by improvisation or embellishment. Stories or narratives have been shared in every culture as a means of entertainment, education, cultural preservation, and instilling moral values. Crucial elements of stories and storytelling include plot, characters, and narrative point of view.

Describing words

Four annotated pictures
This photograph tells a story through a series of photos showing the developments of an action in the photos. The characters in the photo are dressed in old fashioned clothing with old fashioned hair & make up and the filter is greyish suggesting that the story is set in olden times.
 As this photo lacks much detail and is very natural this allows the story to be made up by the audience. Due to the natural peaceful feeling the photo gives, the photo seems to have characteristics of a fairy tale type story.
 This photo tells a story in the face of the model and in the chalk boards being held up. The story being told in this photograph is the character of the model and the board that she hold herself suggests she is not happy with herself. The fact that the other boards are held by other people are these other peoples opinions on her, therefore making the story one about this girls lack of self confidence.
This photograph tells a story as the character looks as if they are trapped and the setting looks like a prison cell except the door of the room is wide open. This could be representing how the character feels stuck emotionally. Because this is only a single image it is open for the audience to come up with their own interpretation and story.

My Definition of storytelling
Characters, plots and settings that create something for people to tell. Recreation of events in order to provide entertainment.