Monday 3 March 2014

Image Bank - Story Board idea

This photo shows the action of the little girl dancing in a series of photos as she moves. The photo has a natural background and shows that the photos are natural and not set up. The lighting and outfit of the little girl make the photo board have a magical theme also added with the statement at the bottom,
This photograph is telling the story of this girls lack of self confidence and other peoples opinions of her through two photographs. The photo is in black and white to emphasize how this girls opinion of herself is quite low and dull but the second photo, despite the dark background seems to have a light shining on the boards coming from somewhere possible representing hope.
This photo tells a story through the development of the action. From the photo we can see that the child is happy, energetic and playful. This then allows the audience to tell the story of her life and different interpretations can be taken from this.

This photo tells the story of the family's day out in the woods as it shows all of the different activities that they got up to. This seems like a happy family with a child so the audience can also interpret the story of there life to be happy and positive just from this story board. Unlike the others these photos don't seem to be in order so seem to be more like a collage showing the day rather than a story board.

This story tells an old fashioned story shown by the costume and advancement of the situation. The props and location changes throughout the photos yet there is no text allowing the audience to make there own story from the photos with out text telling it exactly for them.

Finally this photograph once again tells the story of the couples day out and relationship through a collage of photos showing the different actions they got up to through out the day. Generally the photo is very positive shown in the bright colours and actions.

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