Monday 3 March 2014

Work Record - Shoot Two - Teenage life story

In this shoot I wanted to tell the story of the 'misunderstood' life of a teenager. I used a red background with the Sophie and Taylor acting as if they are at a party with the relevant props. With these photos I was showing the preconception that teenagers spend there time partying and drinking and enjoying themselves. I specifically used a red background because of the connotations of the colour red such as negative, devilish and danger representing these traits in the photo. I used a blue background for the photos where Sophie is studying and surrounded with work which is how a teenager feels like there life is. I think this photo shoot went well because I think both sides of the teenage life were obvious in all of the photos.

I like this photo because the aim was to show what the teenage life is expected to be like, shown in the top photos with it being a party, enjoying time and having fun. The larger picture shows how teenage life actually feels. The photo can also show the amount of time it feels like is spent on each thing from the perspective of the teenager. Also Sophie is looking up towards the party photos suggesting that this is how she would rather be spending her time.
I like this photo but I think it could be improved if Sophie's face could be seen so more of the story could be told as a lot can be told from a  persons facial expression. I also would rather if the papers were not cut of as well as the top of Sophie's head as it looks as if this has been accidentally.

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