Friday 25 April 2014

Connecting Essay one

 This photograph was taken by me. The photo shows a baby's feet, held in the hands of its mother. I have made the photograph black and white as it makes the photo natural and simple. All of the delicate lines and detail can be seen on the baby's foot and due to them being central they are the main focus of the photo. The background is made blurry while the feet are in focus so none of the detail has been lost from the delicate feet. Because it is the mother holding the feet this shows the baby and mothers connection.
This photograph was taken by Sue Kennedy. This photo show the feet of a newborn child. The feet are central to the photograph and are framed in a soft, white, natural looking blanket so although they are small and delicate they stand out against the white. By using the white blanket this represents the pureness and innocence of the baby that is not yet tainted by colour and choices. The baby has spread its toes on one of its feet showing that it is a living thing and also showing the movement that it can do even as a newborn. Due to the photo being in really good focus all of the very small and detailed lines can be seen and even though this is a newborn baby and the feet have never been walked on they still have these lines. The lines could be said to represent all of the different paths that the baby could walk down in its life.

I have chosen to connect these two photographs as what they show and there intention is simular. Firstly both photographs show a baby's feet placed centrally within the photo. They also both have the theme of showing the start of life and tell a story in the intricate detail of the feet. Both photos also show the movement of the feet even at this young age as both children have spread out their big toes. Both photos also use a natural plain white background to frame the feet and to make them the main focus point of the photograph. 

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