Monday 7 April 2014

Photographer four - Curtis Irvine

I chose this photographer because the stories that his photographs tell are less make believe and more realistic and life like. I like the use of colour and black and white in his work and how his photos can have many different interpretations.

In this photograph from the Belfast peace walls album their is many different stories and interpretations that can be taken from it. Firstly the graffiti could tell the story of the wall and why it is there as well as the opinions of it being there. The wall is very colourful in comparison to the dull sky and un-painted wall that can be seen suggesting that the graffiti represents the big colourful personality of the person who made graffiti.

In this photograph it could be interpreted that the photo is representing the teenage life story. The character seems to be pulling a face of discontent or unhappiness and along with the fact that the photo is in black and white suggests that she is not particularly happy, an emotion often felt during teenage years.

I like this photograph because it doesn't tell a story as such but allows the audience to create what story they like due to the lack of any focus points.

Like in the first photo this photo is from the Belfast peace walls. From this angle the audience can see the height and the restriction that it causes telling the story it but not telling why it is there. The particular piece of graffiti that it focus's on is quite plain in contrast to the others but the meaning of the statement is quite strong and important so makes the photograph quite powerful.


I would like to take influence from this photographer because of the way he uses real life things to tell real life stories as a pose to fairy tales. I would like to travel somewhere where there is a powerful  thing of controversy and take photos of it that emphasise the reason it is controversial like for example the height of the wall and how it blocks out the other side.


Overall this instead of using a studio and well made up and costumed models to tell story's this photographer uses real life objects and people in order to tell realistic everyday stories.

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