Friday 25 April 2014

Connecting essay three

This photo tells a story by the way that it lists the different characteristics of the girl in the photo.The photo uses a dark background and black board the only light tones on the photo are the girls skin and this gives the photo quite quickly negative and depressive move. This tells the story of the girls self-esteem issues and then how others view her positively. The lack of detail allows the photo to remain simple but still tells the story that it is trying to tell.

My photo tells a story through a series of photos with a different  word on each photo and a facial expression to match. It also leaves a lot to the imagination as it stands a sentence but gives night background information  out do three the audience can keep it up themselves. I chose to have a dark background to create contrast and more area of thought. To contrast against the dark background Taylor is wearing a white top which also creates a light against dark theme which goes with the story I am trying to tell.

These photos connection because they both tell a story with a series of photos instead of just one. They also both use the prop of the blackboard to tell there story but only tell it discreetly leaving most to the audiences imaginations. They both use a dark background which gives them quite a negative feelings but then contrast this with positive words on the board. Lastly they both use a female model as they have more emotion.

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