Monday 7 April 2014

Photographer three - Elena Kalis

I have chosen this photographer because they have a very individual and unique way of creating fairy-tale photography. The fact that each photo is underwater adds to the photos uniqueness and creates very attractive images.

In this photo from the Alice in waterland shoot the photographer has used the water to show the Alice character stepping into the new world. The model is wearing the conventional blue and white dress allowing the audience to know that she is supposed to be this character. The water allows the character to appear as if she is floating making the photo more interesting. The reflection of the model meeting the water is the centre of the photograph making it the main focus point of the photo.

In this photo also from the Alice in waterland shoot the models face can not be seen, just the costume and the book. This allows the audience to choose the face of the character and the air bubble at the top of the photograph makes the photo interesting and different from other fairy tale photographers work.

In this photograph the photographer has used the water once again to make it seem as if the character is floating which in one part of the story when she is falling is likely to be pictured very similarly to this. The water makes it seem as if the cards are flying and floating all around her making the photo seem magical and once again unique. The costume and cards are also once again common props from the book Alice in wonderland.

Once again in this photo the photographer has used the water in order for it to appear that the model is floating to recreate the scene where she is falling. The photographer has also put the clock and rabbit ears into the photograph which are also props representing the character of the white rabbit. The facial expression in this photo allows the audience to see the confusion and lost look that the character feels in this scene.




Although I like this photographers work I don't think that I could take influence from her due to how difficult it would be to take under water photos. I also don't have an underwater camera.


Overall this photographer has used the water to create scenes from the story that other story telling photographers would find it difficult to create. The water makes it seem like the character is floating and also makes the photographers work unique and difficult to copy.

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